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About the Foundation

The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation was established by Congress in 1986 to improve teaching about the United States Constitution in secondary schools. The Foundation is an independent agency of the Executive Branch of the federal government. Funding for the Foundation's programs comes from Congress and generous contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations. The Foundation has a Board of Trustees, and its daily operations are directed by a president and a small staff. The Foundation's office is located in Alexandria, Virginia.

I really appreciate the fact that the Madison Foundation allows for an open discussion of the Constitution without any kind of “spin” or “agenda.”

Thom Parker, Michigan Fellow

The Constitution

Each time an assembly of citizens gathers to deliberate and make decisions concerning the good of the community, the thinking and dedication of James Madison—"Father of the Constitution," Secretary of State, and President of the United States—live again. The Constitution is the fundamental law of the nation that limits government and guarantees the rights and liberties of every American.

The Constitution is the foundation of our democracy.

James Madison, Jr. portrait

It is of great importance in a republic not only to guard the society against the oppression of its rulers, but to guard one part of the society against the injustice of the other part…

James Madison, Jr.

James Madison Fellowships

James Madison Fellowships were created to honor Madison's legacy and Madisonian principles by providing support for graduate study that focuses on the Constitution—its history and contemporary relevance to the practices and policies of democratic government. The benefits of the fellowship program are manifold and lasting. Fellowship recipients have a unique opportunity to strengthen their research, writing, and analytical skills. In the process, they form professional ties that can significantly influence their career aspirations. Fellows gain a deeper understanding of the principles of constitutional government, which they in turn transmit to their students. In this way, the James Madison Fellowships ensure that the spirit and practical wisdom of the Constitution will guide the actions of future generations of American citizens.

The James Madison Fellowship Program does not discriminate against any individual based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or individuals with disabilities.

Current Trustees

A Board of Trustees, appointed by the President of the United States, oversees the activities of the Foundation. The following individuals are currently serving as trustees:

Senator Roger Wicker

Senator Joe Manchin III

Judge Terrence Berg
United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan

Judge Raymond Kethledge
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

Laura Dove

Dr. Bradford P. Wilson

Terrence K. Wright

Miguel Cardona
Secretary of Education, ex-officio

See complete list of current and emeritus trustees.

Foundation Staff

Lewis F. Larsen, President

Jeffry Morrison, Ph.D., Director of Academics
Responsible for academic advice to the president, academic direction of the Summer Institute on the Constitution, advice to Fellows in connection with their plan of study, and evaluation of all required constitutional coursework, independent study.

Guy F. Burnett, Ph.D., Director of Education and Research
Responsible for coordinating and carrying out research for the Foundation, public outreach, promoting the Fellowship, coordinating alumni relations, editing Madison Notes Magazine, coordinating academic articles and book reviews for the Foundation, identifying special projects for the Foundation, and supporting the President in carrying out the mission of the Foundation.

Kimberly Alldredge, Director for Development
Responsible for identifying new sources of Foundation funding, creating materials for donor communications, identifying special projects for the Foundation, and working in collaboration with the Foundation staff to set priorities for new initiatives.

Oliver Alwes, Financial Officer
Responsible for coordinating Summer Institute and selection committee logistics, assists with development and special projects as needed, and facilities management.

Clare Iglesias, Administrative & Academic Officer
Responsible for academic advising throughout active fellowships, coordination of Fellows' academic records and compliance of fellowship requirements, communications to Fellows and their universities in connection with academic matters, press release announcements, and coordinating and recording Fellows' professional teaching obligation information. Also responsible for contracts, accounting, travel, and assisting in administrative areas to support all Foundation programs.