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President’s Welcome

Welcome to the website for the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation.

We are pleased to learn of your desire to study the Constitution. The goal of the fellowship program is to help individuals such as yourself become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution.

Teaching is an ancient and honorable profession that has become even more important in our rapidly changing contemporary society. The James Madison Fellowship Program was created to address a particularly pressing need in the field of secondary education. This is the fundamental need to teach young people, who will be tomorrow's citizens, knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of limited government and constitutional liberty on which individual freedom and public good depend.

Time and again we hear it said that citizens lack a sound understanding of the Constitution, the government established under it, the rights protected by it, and the responsibilities conferred on all Americans by the nation's fundamental law. Unfortunately, the complaint is all too true. To the extent that it is, the Madison Foundation is committed to providing graduate training in American history, American government, and social studies education that will help our nation's teachers improve and perfect their professional skills by gaining content knowledge of the Constitution.

We are extremely proud of the increasingly large number of James Madison Fellows who have benefited from the fellowship program and taken their place as leaders in the fields of history and social studies education. As public recognition of the need for improved constitutional education has spread, the demand for James Madison Fellows in school districts throughout the country has grown. The James Madison Fellowship has become a mark of professional distinction signifying academic excellence and a commitment to responsible, civic-minded secondary education.

We extend our best wishes and encouragement as you commence the James Madison Fellowship application process.


John Cornyn signature

Lewis F. Larsen
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation

Lewis F. Larsen

Lewis F. Larsen